
Magellan International’s professional development center is dedicated to three objectives: helping you get control of your career, developing your career excellence, and empowering you to develop and grow professionally. By partnering with our dedicated executive development professionals, Magellan’s Career Compass process is at your command. We provide four levels of dedicated services:

  • Professional Networking Meetings
  • A Job-Seeking Jumpstart Process
  • Career Compass Transition Services
  • Executive Coaching and Counselling

For more information click on the boxes below for a free consultation. Or just pick up the phone and call either Jonathan Phillips at 713-439-7490 or JoAnn Thomas at (303) 587-4863. Regardless – all the best for you and your career.

resume and laptop


Weekly Networking
  • If your need is to meet with a group going through a similar change then this group meets once a month and the cost is $200 per month. Call to see if this is right for your needs.
job interview


One-on-one and Networking
  • Two one-hour sessions to prepare your resume, LI Profile, and other media. The first steps at making your network connections work for you – now and later. Interview preparation for both networking and job interviews. The cost for this is $1,000 but includes a month of networking meetings for free.


Complete Career Transition
  • This is the heart of our process and includes 5 One Hour Sessions, resume, LI, and media prep, as well as three months of networking meetings. Additionally, we will develop your advocacy network to use for the rest of your career, train you in issues-based advocacy networking and interviewing, and develop a full Mission, Vision, and Values analysis as well as assessments to be sure the job you find creates the career you want. The cost for this is $3,500 but includes networking for three months and the Jump Start Services and Products.


Career Development and Executive Coaching
  • Beyond finding the right career is keeping it – easier said than done we will work with you to develop Intellectual, Political, and Social Capital that makes you stick in the role you love and persist in the career path you have worked to develop. The cost for this is $10,000 but includes all the Career Compass services and 4 hours a month of meetings for a year after you join your next opportunity. We will help you keep it.